Professional therapy from

Maureen Kiely

I wear many hats, I am a mother, grandmother, daughter, sister... I am a Coach, a Trainer and Clinical Hypnotherapist.

Incorporating hypnosis into selected areas of my executive coaching cuts months, or even years, off the normal process. This is because the sub-conscious mind can work on projects while the conscious mind gets on with everyday life. This was a real game-changer.

For approaching 20 years I have also worked, at least part of my week, with patients undergoing the roller-coaster emotions surrounding IVF and pregnancy, and pregnancy loss. This has been at both my own private practice in London and at the famous ZitaWest Fertility Clinic.”


My therapy services

What do you get if you choose me as your mentor?

Well, all of these for a start: I will be at your side when you need to make those crucial decisions. When you need an objective viewpoint and an honest straight forward strategy to follow. I don’t mince my words. I won’t flatter you. What I will do is help you to gain confidence in your own abilities and open up your mind to the vast storehouse of resources within you.

And the fabulous news is that for many of us, this storehouse is relatively untapped! So there are many new aspects for you to discover and utilise in your life.


Maureen Kiely's Blog